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Salinity Pilot-Mission Exploitation Platform

SSS, rain & winds

The spatio-temporal correlation between the different satellite SSS products and the rain rate (CMOPRH products) in the Amazon river plume region can be monitored using the syntool visualisation software available here

The spatio-temporal correlation between the different satellite SSS products and the wind speed in the Mississippi river plume region can be monitored using the merginator visualisation software available here

Here below, we show the seasonal spatial patterns anomalies from one year to another of precipitation (letf) and satellite SSS (right):

Seasonal year to year rain (left) and Satellite SSS (right) differences using the different periods of the river discharge cycle (cf. SSS & Color). From top to bottom: low flow (May-July); ascending flow (August-October); high flow (November-January); descending flow (February-April). By default, CMORPH 3h precipitation product and CCI-L4-ESA-MERGED-OI-V1.8-30DAY-RUNNING satellite SSS product averaged seasonally for year 2011 and subtracted from the seasonal averaged of year 2010 are shown.